Monday, December 24, 2007


Navy's stocking stuffed with new missile

Russia's navy will receive a new ICBM next year. According to Deputy Defence Minister Nikolai Makarov, the nuclear submarine Юрий Долгорукий Yuri Dolgoruky, which will carry the Булава Bulava (GRAU 3M30)(RSM-56)(Nato SS-NX-30) missile will be commissioned next year. The Bulava can pierce any anti-missile shield and has been designed for the new Borei-class submarines, the first of which was launched last April. The Borei class subs are intended to replace the Delta III and the Typhoon class boats. The submarine is designed by Rubin Design Bureau and there are 12 planned in total for the Russian Navy.
The Bulava is based on the Topol-M. It is bigger than the original missile intended for the Borei-class subs. At first it was reported this class would carry 12 missiles, but now that has been increased to 16 as of the 2007 START exchange.
The Yrui Dologoruky was launched 15 April, 2007, in Severodvinsk Северодви́нск. She has cost the Navy 40% of its 2007 weapons budget at 5 billion rubles.

Makarov also said a new tank would be comissioned in 2009, but did not give any details. Russia currently has two tanks in development, Omsk tank design bureau's Black Eagle which first when on public display in 2004. It was created in the 1990s.
Meanwhile Uralvagonzavod has been working on the T-95 of which few details are available.
Russia has declared 5,063 tanks in the European area last year and has just suspended participation in the Convention Forces in Europe Treaty which opens the way for it to deploy more forces close to western Europe.

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Bet you wish your pants were stuffed with this eh?
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