Monday, March 19, 2007
Tokyo Sexwale - high flier (wek in progress)
Mosima Gabriel (Tokyo) Sexwale is living proof of the South African dream.
Trained as a freedom fighter by the Soviet Army he has used his Russian contacts to parlay his business in South Africa into a R1.5billion consortium Mvelephanda Holdings - in only seven years. His empire spans gold, platinum and diamonds on two continents. There is no doubt that the assets were acquired at favourable rates, for Sexwale is a top negotiator and sharp businessman, but there were no government handouts.
He famously once looked at the staff ratio at the head office of Mvela Resources and told his CEO, a white man, that there were too many black staff. “Go and find a white man and employ him, I want diversity in my companies,” he said.
Tokyo, who earned his nickname from his interest in karate, was born born 5 March 1953 ???
In 1977 he was arrested on conspiracy to commit terrorism and sentenced to 15 years on Robben Island. It was there he met his wife, Judy
Mvelephanda. 36% of the company is owned by trusts representing 1,000 former political prisoners, 60,000 former ANC guerilla fighters and their families, impoverished miners and welfare charities.
The remaining equity is owned by Sexwale (35%), management and directors (25%) and an unnamed individual (4%) whose identity has been kept secret.
"If blacks get hurt, I get hurt. If whites get hurt, that's my wife, and if you harm coloured people, you're looking for my children. Your unity embodies who I am."
Among the best known is Tokyo Sexwale, the former premier of Gauteng province, now reportedly a billionaire who has acquired three aircraft, including a Lear Jet he bought for his wife on Valentine's Day. Last year alone, black empowerment deals helped create nearly 6,000 millionaires. (August 20, 2006)
San Francisco Chrnoicle
Despite high hopes, South Africa has failed to create a racially blind society
IT SICKENS ME to the pit of my soul when I know that Tokyo Sexwale has 5 Lear Jets , although he swore in 1996 that he'll (as ex-Premier of Gauteng) build 1 million houses!
Knorrig, resident drooling racist on SA Sucks
But no one seems to be able to prove the existence of more than on LearJet in the Sexwale family - the one Tokyo bought for his wife Judy as a Valentine's gift. Knorrig does provide evidence of a Bombardier jet being owned by Sexwale. A two jet family. Hmmm. Let's see if he can find the other three, with some solid evidence.
Trained as a freedom fighter by the Soviet Army he has used his Russian contacts to parlay his business in South Africa into a R1.5billion consortium Mvelephanda Holdings - in only seven years. His empire spans gold, platinum and diamonds on two continents. There is no doubt that the assets were acquired at favourable rates, for Sexwale is a top negotiator and sharp businessman, but there were no government handouts.
He famously once looked at the staff ratio at the head office of Mvela Resources and told his CEO, a white man, that there were too many black staff. “Go and find a white man and employ him, I want diversity in my companies,” he said.
Tokyo, who earned his nickname from his interest in karate, was born born 5 March 1953 ???
In 1977 he was arrested on conspiracy to commit terrorism and sentenced to 15 years on Robben Island. It was there he met his wife, Judy
Mvelephanda. 36% of the company is owned by trusts representing 1,000 former political prisoners, 60,000 former ANC guerilla fighters and their families, impoverished miners and welfare charities.
The remaining equity is owned by Sexwale (35%), management and directors (25%) and an unnamed individual (4%) whose identity has been kept secret.
"If blacks get hurt, I get hurt. If whites get hurt, that's my wife, and if you harm coloured people, you're looking for my children. Your unity embodies who I am."
Among the best known is Tokyo Sexwale, the former premier of Gauteng province, now reportedly a billionaire who has acquired three aircraft, including a Lear Jet he bought for his wife on Valentine's Day. Last year alone, black empowerment deals helped create nearly 6,000 millionaires. (August 20, 2006)
San Francisco Chrnoicle
Despite high hopes, South Africa has failed to create a racially blind society
IT SICKENS ME to the pit of my soul when I know that Tokyo Sexwale has 5 Lear Jets , although he swore in 1996 that he'll (as ex-Premier of Gauteng) build 1 million houses!
Knorrig, resident drooling racist on SA Sucks
But no one seems to be able to prove the existence of more than on LearJet in the Sexwale family - the one Tokyo bought for his wife Judy as a Valentine's gift. Knorrig does provide evidence of a Bombardier jet being owned by Sexwale. A two jet family. Hmmm. Let's see if he can find the other three, with some solid evidence.
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So do you believe me now? Knorrig hasn't given you anything on the lear jets. I told you this guy was tight. Those scared little guys on SA sucks will never accept that a Nigger can be this successful. You can just feel the jealousy ooze from their pores. Oh NO NOT ONE THAT ACTUALLY WORKS. Give it up Noiks. Really. You have better things to do with your time.
"Those scared little guys on SA sucks will never accept that a Nigger can be this successful."
Really? let's see that little nigger get his lear jets WITHOUT affirmative action, BEE or any convinient contract tenders from his buddies in govt.
And if niggers are so sucsessful, please explain African poverty, black slums in Europe and N.America, and how come they have been slaves to Whites, Ancient Egyptians, AND Arabs.
Really? let's see that little nigger get his lear jets WITHOUT affirmative action, BEE or any convinient contract tenders from his buddies in govt.
And if niggers are so sucsessful, please explain African poverty, black slums in Europe and N.America, and how come they have been slaves to Whites, Ancient Egyptians, AND Arabs.
rsx - hasn't this argument been done to death? It might interest you to know that Sexwale made his own company, it had nothing to do with "Affirmative Action" and I would bet you that if you stripped him down to his boxers and dropped him in the middle of New York he would be buying his first learjet within a year. probably less
Really? let's see that little nigger get his lear jets WITHOUT affirmative action, BEE or any convinient contract tenders from his buddies in govt.
And if niggers are so sucsessful, please explain African poverty, black slums in Europe and N.America, and how come they have been slaves to Whites, Ancient Egyptians, AND Arabs.
Now I'm no fan of niggers. But you whimpering whites are just so fucking pathetic that you make people want to side with the niggers. Firstly, whites have been slaves to all those nations too. Read your history. It was only about a thousand years ago that whites were bashing each others brains in with abandon. In fact in some parts of the world they still do.
You want to see success without AA, BEE ABC etc etc, get fucking real. That's how the world works. Jobs for friends, contracts for contacts, doh! That's how Haliburton gets the spin off jobs worth billions from the Iraqi war. That's how you Afrikaners managed to get your share of the pie, and how the English managed to get so much power. All of them are bandits. That is how the real world works.
Now that you don't have someone keeping the niggers down you are seeing some of their successes like Sexwale. And you can see the lies and bullshit that the lilly white jellyfish boers are making around him, just in case someone gets to the idea that niggers might be worth something.
Africa is such a fucking mess today for the same reason it has always been a mess. The big fat cat western powers won't leave it the fuck alone. They just get them into further debt and rip off the natural resouces. It has been happening in South America too and now with Communism rising there you will see a huge improvement for the people. Only when the capitalist are forced to pay the real price of their resource robbery then you can ask if there is failure or success.
As for the past, check out Carthage and Hannibal.
Really? let's see that little nigger get his lear jets WITHOUT affirmative action, BEE or any convinient contract tenders from his buddies in govt.
And if niggers are so sucsessful, please explain African poverty, black slums in Europe and N.America, and how come they have been slaves to Whites, Ancient Egyptians, AND Arabs.
Now I'm no fan of niggers. But you whimpering whites are just so fucking pathetic that you make people want to side with the niggers. Firstly, whites have been slaves to all those nations too. Read your history. It was only about a thousand years ago that whites were bashing each others brains in with abandon. In fact in some parts of the world they still do.
You want to see success without AA, BEE ABC etc etc, get fucking real. That's how the world works. Jobs for friends, contracts for contacts, doh! That's how Haliburton gets the spin off jobs worth billions from the Iraqi war. That's how you Afrikaners managed to get your share of the pie, and how the English managed to get so much power. All of them are bandits. That is how the real world works.
Now that you don't have someone keeping the niggers down you are seeing some of their successes like Sexwale. And you can see the lies and bullshit that the lilly white jellyfish boers are making around him, just in case someone gets to the idea that niggers might be worth something.
Africa is such a fucking mess today for the same reason it has always been a mess. The big fat cat western powers won't leave it the fuck alone. They just get them into further debt and rip off the natural resouces. It has been happening in South America too and now with Communism rising there you will see a huge improvement for the people. Only when the capitalist are forced to pay the real price of their resource robbery then you can ask if there is failure or success.
As for the past, check out Carthage and Hannibal.
oh oh... Knorrig can't take the shame so looks like I'm PNG again on sa sucks... or was this your doing VeeVee?
Liar liar, pants on fire, bunny....I even gave you the URL to find eLearJet namba 2!
But you are too chicken shit too admit it.....and publish the evidence/link/response I gave you!
Then you block my acess to this site....very mature!
You really are a sad excuse for a intergrity whatsoever!
PUBLISH THIS....if you dare!
Hey, I'll even send you a photo of his Bombardier Jet!
But you are too chicken shit too admit it.....and publish the evidence/link/response I gave you!
Then you block my acess to this site....very mature!
You really are a sad excuse for a intergrity whatsoever!
PUBLISH THIS....if you dare!
Hey, I'll even send you a photo of his Bombardier Jet!
Fluffy, I haven't banned you from this site. Maybe something's wrong with your puter.
And you have not provided me with links. Why do you go into zot speak when you feel threatened? Just lay it out like a man... Jet one - url, jet two - url, jet 3 - url... it's quite simple. No ducking, no diving.
And you have not provided me with links. Why do you go into zot speak when you feel threatened? Just lay it out like a man... Jet one - url, jet two - url, jet 3 - url... it's quite simple. No ducking, no diving.
Having given her the actual URL to find Sexwale's eLearJet namba 2....she refused to publish it, or even admit she was wrong.....
Here's the URL for the Bombardier Jet;
here's the relevant sentence (13th paragraph from the bottom)
"gesturing to a model of his own jet, a Bombardier,"
Having given her the actual URL to find Sexwale's eLearJet namba 2....she refused to publish it, or even admit she was wrong.....
Here's the URL for the Bombardier Jet;
here's the relevant sentence (13th paragraph from the bottom)
"gesturing to a model of his own jet, a Bombardier,"
Having given her the actual URL to find Sexwale's eLearJet namba 2....she refused to publish it, or even admit she was wrong.....
Here's the URL for the Bombardier Jet;
here's the relevant sentence (13th paragraph from the bottom)
"gesturing to a model of his own jet, a Bombardier,"
Having given her the actual URL to find Sexwale's eLearJet namba 2....she refused to publish it, or even admit she was wrong.....
Here's the URL for the Bombardier Jet;
here's the relevant sentence (13th paragraph from the bottom)
"gesturing to a model of his own jet, a Bombardier,"
;) get some balls bunny and publish this...then apologize profusely....then hinty hinty for Jetty namba 3 is YOURS!
he he he he !
Having given her the actual URL to find Sexwale's eLearJet namba 2....she refused to publish it, or even admit she was wrong.....
Here's the URL for the Bombardier Jet;
here's the relevant sentence (13th paragraph from the bottom)
"gesturing to a model of his own jet, a Bombardier,"
Having given her the actual URL to find Sexwale's eLearJet namba 2....she refused to publish it, or even admit she was wrong.....
Here's the URL for the Bombardier Jet;
here's the relevant sentence (13th paragraph from the bottom)
"gesturing to a model of his own jet, a Bombardier,"
Having given her the actual URL to find Sexwale's eLearJet namba 2....she refused to publish it, or even admit she was wrong.....
Here's the URL for the Bombardier Jet;
here's the relevant sentence (13th paragraph from the bottom)
"gesturing to a model of his own jet, a Bombardier,"
Having given her the actual URL to find Sexwale's eLearJet namba 2....she refused to publish it, or even admit she was wrong.....
Here's the URL for the Bombardier Jet;
here's the relevant sentence (13th paragraph from the bottom)
"gesturing to a model of his own jet, a Bombardier,"
;) get some balls bunny and publish this...then apologize profusely....then hinty hinty for Jetty namba 3 is YOURS!
he he he he !
Well done!
Now apologize profusely!...then I'll give you hinty hinty for eLearJet namba 2!
Just do it! NIKE!
Now apologize profusely!...then I'll give you hinty hinty for eLearJet namba 2!
Just do it! NIKE!
You don't think, do you Knorrig. You know Sexwale is heavily involved in business dealings with Bombardier. So most probably he got his jet at a really good price. Furthermore, he needs one, his wife needs one. Are you jealous that you don't need one?
No he's jealous because he can't go get poor little kids and fly them all over the world for operations.
It's true, he does go into zot speak when he can't deliver. Why all the "hinty hinty" and shit? Just give us the leads man.
Apologise for what? You have one little line that says he has his own jet that is not confirmed anywhere else. As Tzar Val says, probably a gift from Bombardier. And I'm not sure he still has it. Even if he does have it, it's one jet. You said five. When you've given me links to all five, and I've verified that he still owns them, THEN and only THEN, will I apologise. Until then, TAKE THE SHAME POOCHIE.
"So most probably he got his jet at a really good price. Furthermore, he needs one, his wife needs one. Are you jealous that you don't need one?"
That's not the point..Rambo-wannabe-I-have-to-use-my unit-badge-on-the-internet-to-show-I'm-a- man prick-Russian loser!
The point is that she wrote ( and you) that Sexwale only has ONE LearJet!
That that is FALSE has been proven by the link I sent 10000000000 times!
First APOLOGIZE for publishing lies!..then I'll provide you with the URLs to find 3,4 and 5!
Come on some BALLS!
That's not the point..Rambo-wannabe-I-have-to-use-my unit-badge-on-the-internet-to-show-I'm-a- man prick-Russian loser!
The point is that she wrote ( and you) that Sexwale only has ONE LearJet!
That that is FALSE has been proven by the link I sent 10000000000 times!
First APOLOGIZE for publishing lies!..then I'll provide you with the URLs to find 3,4 and 5!
Come on some BALLS!
Gi anal Pain Jane said,
"It's true, he does go into zot speak when he can't deliver. Why all the "hinty hinty" and shit? Just give us the leads man. "
WOW!.."zot" speak...bloody racist aren't you!
If you read paragraph 16, 15, 14 and 13 of the URL I gave you, you'll clearly see that 2 LearJets are mentioned...i.e. her's i.e.(Valentine's Gift) and his (the Bombardier)
So, now we have 2 (TWO) LearJets...not 1 (ONE) as bunny and Rusky-dick-loser-wannabe-Rambo-idiot swore their INTEGRITY on...and accused the WHOLE world of LYING!
But as sure as ARSEZANIA is a VLOK-UP...I'll make you work for eLearJets namas 3, 4, and 5!
Take up the challenge boys and I did when bunny invited me to this blog to show my journalistic BALLS!
"It's true, he does go into zot speak when he can't deliver. Why all the "hinty hinty" and shit? Just give us the leads man. "
WOW!.."zot" speak...bloody racist aren't you!
If you read paragraph 16, 15, 14 and 13 of the URL I gave you, you'll clearly see that 2 LearJets are mentioned...i.e. her's i.e.(Valentine's Gift) and his (the Bombardier)
So, now we have 2 (TWO) LearJets...not 1 (ONE) as bunny and Rusky-dick-loser-wannabe-Rambo-idiot swore their INTEGRITY on...and accused the WHOLE world of LYING!
But as sure as ARSEZANIA is a VLOK-UP...I'll make you work for eLearJets namas 3, 4, and 5!
Take up the challenge boys and I did when bunny invited me to this blog to show my journalistic BALLS!
You have not found five lear jets. Until then, I am not lying. But you'd better hurry up, nutpup, I'm going away for a few weeks and so I won't be able to apologise until I come back and found that you've provided proof for all of his planes.
"You have not found five lear jets. Until then, I am not lying."
YES I have....he...he!
.and yes you DID..LIE!
First APOLOGIZE!....and ADMIT you have the EVIDENCE for eLearjetyy 1 PLUS eLearJetty 2!...I.E. TWO (2) Learjets...NOT ONE(1),....but 2 (TWO)....he...he...!
Re your apology...I want it in the same form as the apology issued by John Cleese when Kevin Kline held him upside down over the balcony in the film 'A Fish Called Wanda'
....I want your apology word for word like the above one.....then hinty hinty for findy eLearjetty namba 3 is YOURS!
COME , just do it! NIKE!
YES I have....he...he!
.and yes you DID..LIE!
First APOLOGIZE!....and ADMIT you have the EVIDENCE for eLearjetyy 1 PLUS eLearJetty 2!...I.E. TWO (2) Learjets...NOT ONE(1),....but 2 (TWO)....he...he...!
Re your apology...I want it in the same form as the apology issued by John Cleese when Kevin Kline held him upside down over the balcony in the film 'A Fish Called Wanda'
....I want your apology word for word like the above one.....then hinty hinty for findy eLearjetty namba 3 is YOURS!
COME , just do it! NIKE!
Apology for what? You still have not found five jets. I guess you can't after all. I'm really too busy to play your little games of hide and seek. Either you have the proof or you don't. And I'm saying "you don't".
An apology for having written this on YOUR OWN BLOG!;
"Knorrig, resident drooling racist on SA Sucks
But no one seems to be able to prove the existence of more than on LearJet in the Sexwale family - the one Tokyo bought for his wife Judy as a Valentine's gift." clearly wrote "But no one seems to be able to prove the existence of more than on LearJet in the Sexwale family"1
I gave you the evidence for eLearJetty namba 2! it is again...
here's the relevant sentence (13th paragraph from the bottom)
"gesturing to a model of his own jet, a Bombardier,"
....or I'll pull a Tutu..and never write to you again...boe hoe..sob..sob..please don't traumatize're my hero!
"Knorrig, resident drooling racist on SA Sucks
But no one seems to be able to prove the existence of more than on LearJet in the Sexwale family - the one Tokyo bought for his wife Judy as a Valentine's gift." clearly wrote "But no one seems to be able to prove the existence of more than on LearJet in the Sexwale family"1
I gave you the evidence for eLearJetty namba 2! it is again...
here's the relevant sentence (13th paragraph from the bottom)
"gesturing to a model of his own jet, a Bombardier,"
....or I'll pull a Tutu..and never write to you again...boe hoe..sob..sob..please don't traumatize're my hero!
Oh puppy you're sad. I said "no one seems to be able to ..."
And you found that he owned a Bombadier. Well done PUP! We can't verify if he still owns it. But I'll give you that. Good work. Now dig away and find three more.
And while you're at it, who would you rather see running south africa? Sexwale or Zuma?
Now, I might be away for a few weeks, but the Tzar will be in charge, if he can spare the time.
And you found that he owned a Bombadier. Well done PUP! We can't verify if he still owns it. But I'll give you that. Good work. Now dig away and find three more.
And while you're at it, who would you rather see running south africa? Sexwale or Zuma?
Now, I might be away for a few weeks, but the Tzar will be in charge, if he can spare the time.
"And you found that he owned a Bombadier. Well done PUP! We can't verify if he still owns it.(WOW, his exact words are being quoted in this interview...and now you want to place an extra condition re verification..LOL bunny..that;'s just not cricket)
"But I'll give you that. Good work."
no no,little bunny...I said APOLOGIZE...not patronize!
You have the criteria for your humble apology to me!
....then hinty hinty for eLearJetty namba 3 is yours
"But I'll give you that. Good work."
no no,little bunny...I said APOLOGIZE...not patronize!
You have the criteria for your humble apology to me!
....then hinty hinty for eLearJetty namba 3 is yours
Like I said, Knorrig. Not playing childish games with you. If you have the information bring it. If you don't, then take the shame. What I will do is change the text of the article to reflect that you managed to find two of the five you insist he has.
"What I will do is change the text of the article to reflect that you managed to find two of the five you insist he has."
he..he...that just won't cut my ego cake, bunny.
Apologize, like a big girl...then hinty hinty for findy 3,4,5 is YOURS!
he..he...that just won't cut my ego cake, bunny.
Apologize, like a big girl...then hinty hinty for findy 3,4,5 is YOURS!
Well, it's been nice having you around puppy. But you failed miserably to prove your point. TAKE THE SHAME
H ha don't even have the balls to apologize like the big all-knowing girl you pretend to be!
Seriously bunny, you must really listen to yourself...and think about what you write!
like for example, "A two jet family..."
Bloody hell, where's your sense of 'communist' justice now? huh? if being a "two jet family" is no big deal in a country with 40% unemployment....where millions live in squalor...have no hope for a job or the education of their children!
You are seriously dellusional have ABSOLUTELY no integrity whatsoever...neither as a communist nor as a humanitairian!
Good bye, my La La Land bunny, may you find a backbone someday....and decide what exactly YOU can do to HELP those in need!
Tata! Aahh ..parting is not such great sorrow...this time;)
Seriously bunny, you must really listen to yourself...and think about what you write!
like for example, "A two jet family..."
Bloody hell, where's your sense of 'communist' justice now? huh? if being a "two jet family" is no big deal in a country with 40% unemployment....where millions live in squalor...have no hope for a job or the education of their children!
You are seriously dellusional have ABSOLUTELY no integrity whatsoever...neither as a communist nor as a humanitairian!
Good bye, my La La Land bunny, may you find a backbone someday....and decide what exactly YOU can do to HELP those in need!
Tata! Aahh ..parting is not such great sorrow...this time;)
Hi, here's my fare-well gift to you bunny. You ahve been a worthy opponent;
Check what your hero Sexwale has been up to (published the black newspaper, The Witness),,186-187_2098783,00.html
Please wake up, your idealsim and guts are wasted on a cuase not worth fighting for. Rather concentrate on the poor in India (as I do!) The Chinese can look after hthemselves...they're bloody big boys.
Cheers, and keep safe please!
Check what your hero Sexwale has been up to (published the black newspaper, The Witness),,186-187_2098783,00.html
Please wake up, your idealsim and guts are wasted on a cuase not worth fighting for. Rather concentrate on the poor in India (as I do!) The Chinese can look after hthemselves...they're bloody big boys.
Cheers, and keep safe please!
TzarVal said...
You're a joke Knorrig. You can't prove your assertion that Sexwale has FIVE LEAR JETS. Your butt has been severely kicked and you can't deal with it.
Oh you weep because the Sexwales are a TWO jet family and other people are starving. You know as well as anyone that those planes are necessary today if you want to do business on a global scale. Try to get your weeny weeny mind around that. Also note that Judy's is used to help the very people you're crying about. So how do you want it to go? They don't have the planes and build houses or they have the planes and help people on a continuous basis? So Noiks is not being flip when she says a "two jet" family. She acknowledges that to work at the level the Sexwales do you need to be airborne. Doh. Now get back into your nice 3l for bucky and cry into your two liter coke and one liter klipdrif because the Nigger has spanked you and your mates WELL BAD.
Sexwale proves your Noble Whites theory is a complete thumbsuck and you and your terrified little white mates like to sit and shiver around your bras at night while you drink your Castles and whine whine whine about how unfair life is.
Why don't you complain about Donald Hump's planes? Why don't you whimper about Sly Stallone's planes eh? no poor folks in the US? Where were their planes during Hurricane Katrina? Couldn't get them dirty eh? Very fucking noble of them.
Noiks is off having major surgery. But if I were her the only apology you would get would be my boot up your slack white arse. She has nothing to apologise for. You have not proved a thing.
Oh, and according to my information, the Witness, the oldest newspaper in the country or second oldest, is not a "black" paper, but usually very conservative. If you can't understand the term "in fighting" and you can't read between the lines that the ANC is really threatened by Sexwale then you're stupider than you give yourself credit for. And remember this final piece of advice, grashopper... the enemy of your enemy is you friend.
nice try fuckwad.
You're a joke Knorrig. You can't prove your assertion that Sexwale has FIVE LEAR JETS. Your butt has been severely kicked and you can't deal with it.
Oh you weep because the Sexwales are a TWO jet family and other people are starving. You know as well as anyone that those planes are necessary today if you want to do business on a global scale. Try to get your weeny weeny mind around that. Also note that Judy's is used to help the very people you're crying about. So how do you want it to go? They don't have the planes and build houses or they have the planes and help people on a continuous basis? So Noiks is not being flip when she says a "two jet" family. She acknowledges that to work at the level the Sexwales do you need to be airborne. Doh. Now get back into your nice 3l for bucky and cry into your two liter coke and one liter klipdrif because the Nigger has spanked you and your mates WELL BAD.
Sexwale proves your Noble Whites theory is a complete thumbsuck and you and your terrified little white mates like to sit and shiver around your bras at night while you drink your Castles and whine whine whine about how unfair life is.
Why don't you complain about Donald Hump's planes? Why don't you whimper about Sly Stallone's planes eh? no poor folks in the US? Where were their planes during Hurricane Katrina? Couldn't get them dirty eh? Very fucking noble of them.
Noiks is off having major surgery. But if I were her the only apology you would get would be my boot up your slack white arse. She has nothing to apologise for. You have not proved a thing.
Oh, and according to my information, the Witness, the oldest newspaper in the country or second oldest, is not a "black" paper, but usually very conservative. If you can't understand the term "in fighting" and you can't read between the lines that the ANC is really threatened by Sexwale then you're stupider than you give yourself credit for. And remember this final piece of advice, grashopper... the enemy of your enemy is you friend.
nice try fuckwad.
hinty hinty for LearJetty nr 3
(it was right under your nose ex-bunny) write to the journalist of the SF Chronical and will only cost you one email
!..nice person actually!)
Hey Ruskie ...keep quiet, the adults are speaking!
(it was right under your nose ex-bunny) write to the journalist of the SF Chronical and will only cost you one email
!..nice person actually!)
Hey Ruskie ...keep quiet, the adults are speaking!
We shall see what Mr FB has to say. I must say you're boring me to death with this slow rate of information.
why can't you just give all the information at once, is it too much for you to handle, dipshit?
I think Mr Sexwale is being pushed into running by the press who are desperate to stop Zuma getting in.
Hey, Noiks, did you get the flowers?
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I think Mr Sexwale is being pushed into running by the press who are desperate to stop Zuma getting in.
Hey, Noiks, did you get the flowers?
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